Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Finding the Kohinoor Diamond

Finding Kohinoor is simple computer game created with a basic algorithm by using the archival photographs. The aim of this project is to know how we can use archive in an interactive way to “bring history to life”. Lev Manovich mentioned in his essay ‘Database as Symbolic Form’ that many new media objects do not tell stories; they don’t have a beginning or an end; in fact, they don’t have any development, thematically, formally or otherwise, which would organise their elements into a sequence, where every item has the same significance as any other. While looking at those thirty images, they appear to me as a collection of data without any narrative. So I want to use these images to create a narrative but in reference to a historical event.
Lev Manovich further mentions that not all new media objects are explicitly databases. Computer games, for instance, are experienced by their players as narratives. In a game, the player is given a well-defined task -winning the match, being first in a race, reaching the last level, or reaching the highest score. These games in a way creates a story by using the data but by modifying the magic of database, by using another logic- that of algorithms. I used this same concept of algorithm for making a game to tell a historical event and without manipulating the images.   

Story of Kohinoor Diamond
Queen Elizabeth
Maharaja Ranjeet Singh

Maharaja of Punjab, Ranjeet Sing was the last owner of Kohinoor    Diamond, before his death he willed it to the temple of Jagannath in India. But British officers forced Kunwar Dalip Singh (11 year old), son of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh to surrender his Kingdom and this precious diamond after the death of Maharaja. Today this diamond is a part of the Crown of Queen Elizabeth. A group created by Indians in London , which has called itself the "Mountain of Light" says that the 105-carat diamond was stolen from its true home in India and are demanding that the UK government returns it.

About Game, Finding Kohinoor Diamond

I incorporated this real historical story of Kohinoor Diamond to create a kind of treasure hunt game by using the given images. The fictional story for the game is that Indian officials want this lost precious diamond back from the Queen Elizabeth but queen denied such possession. Secret agents told Indian government that Queen had stored the Kohinoor in some secret place in the world and she willed that whosoever will find that diamond will become the sole owner. Now players need to find that place where the diamond is stored. Each step will lead the player to next level with the help of some clues. I have created some riddles as a clue for the image. A set of images are attached, so that the player can find out the place by getting clue from the riddles. By following those clue the player have to reach the final place to get that diamond.  Every right guess leads to next step and player need to start the game all again in case of wrong guess. 

But at the end of the game player never gets the diamond, instead I used the 'I Win' image of Queen Elizabeth intentionally because I want to remain close to the true story of Kohinoor Diamond. 

The Game

The player has to go through the following steps to reach at the place where diamond is stored:

Step one

A land away from the lands, Santa rides in the heat, mothers keep their kids in the pouch, where opera sings high and loud, here comes your first point.                                        

                                                                (Answer: #3 Australia) 





Step two

West of Australia, out of sight, nothing is there except water to dive, come back, eat silky pears and look at the rhyme, dimpled bride in fool moon light.                                           

(Answer: #2 Super pit gold mine (gold for bride and pit for dimple in her cheek)


Step Three

Where Gods never ceases to exist, Festivals are forever, that land was divided by the empire.                               
                                                                          (Answer: #1 India)                                       



Step Four

Holy waters, Spiritual sit, every one comes to change their plight, There you will meet a saint, he tell you your fate.                                                                                    
                                                     (Answer: # 4 Varanasi,India)                                       


Step Five

A planet on the earth, challenges superpower, They live in art salt and stars, if you are near maples its not that far.                                                                                             
                                     (Answer: Latin America)                                       

Step Six


Canvas of the Salt,Colors on the Wall                                                           
                   (Answer:#1 Bolivia)             


Step Seven

Its time to eat, I am telling you 2nd time and I will not repeat.                                                   

           (Answer: Super Cristian # 2) 


Step Eight

The player will find next clue in one of these three images. The clue is hidden in wall with Murals.                                      

                                                                                                                      (Answer: # 3 image) 




Step Nine


Where the great rivers meet the little river, follow the drinking gourd. The old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom, If you follow the North Star. (slaves used to follow the North Star to reach free country Canada)                              
                                                                      (Answer: Canada #2)                                       


Step Ten

                  Weather is awesome, learn some craft, Hey listen, stay there don't fall apart                                                                                                                                        (Answer: OCAD)                                      

Step Ten

Put your hat, jacket and pant, go for coffee, but don't ignore the elephant                                            
                                                         (Answer: Elephant and Castle) 

                                                                                                                                                                           Step Eleven
Fourth Bridge, Scotland

   It creates never ending wars, diversity is bizarre, Growth is on      the wall. 

                                                                            (Answer: USA)

Brooklyn Bridge New York, USA
Bode Museum Berlin, Germany

Step Twelve

Storage of memories and some dates, you may be a part if you create; Cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers. So pick up your brush because its never too late. 

                                                                          (Answer: Van Gogh)


Step Thirteen

There is only one powerful women, everyone else is denied, even if there is something to hide. 

                                         (Answer: #3, image without woman in it )

I WIN. I never give back the things I steal

This is the last place where player is suppose to find the Kohinoor Diamond. But instead of using image of the diamond I put the image of Queen Elizabeth as the diamond is in her possession and Indians are fighting a case to get Kohinoor back.

The Process of creating this game:

I created this game by using the interactive power point with a simple algorithm.  I linked every right clue to the next slide which takes player to the next level and every wrong clue to the play again slide which further takes the player back to the rules of the game slide.

The inspiration of this game is Fenn Treasure, a treasure reportedly worth 1 million to 3 million hidden by art dealer and writer Forest Fenn in the Rocky Mountains. According to Fenn, many people have claimed to have found the treasure, but no one has provided any evidence to him supporting their claim. And  I used our real historical item and story to create Finding the Kohinoor Diamond.

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